Advising Process
General Group Advising:
Attending a general group advising meeting is the first step to learn more about the study away process. During the group advising session, we will review study away requirements, the application process, how credit/financial aid transfers, program options, etc. All interested first years and sophomores are invited to attend.
Group Advising Dates/Times for Spring 2025:
Thursday, January 30th: 4pm Hopkins 201
Wednesday, February 12th: 4pm Hollander 241
Saturday, February 22nd: 12pm Hollander 241
Tuesday, February 25th: 4pm Hollander 241
Individual Advising:
Please use the following links to schedule an individual advising appointment. If you have not attended a general group advising session or viewed the above advising videos, we highly recommend these prior to booking an advising appointment.
Schedule an appointment with Global Education and Study Away Specialist Karima Barrow
Schedule an appointment with Dean Stoiciu